Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)


Monitoring the pressure of your tires reduces tire wear and improves the overall performance of the vehicle. The Tire Pressure Monitoring System increases your safety on the road by improving your vehicle’s maneuverability. Tires operating below inflation standards put the safety of your passengers at risk.

There are two types of Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems in existence today—Direct and Indirect. All TPMS systems require regular maintenance to meet maximum performance standards.

  • Direct Tire Pressure Monitoring System uses sensors on the inside tire assembly to transmit tire pressure information to your vehicle’s computer. 
  • Indirect Tire Pressure Monitoring System gauges tire pressure through your vehicle’s Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) by using speed sensors to measure the rotational speed of each wheel (as tire pressure decreases, the rolling distance decreases, and the rotational speed increases).
  • Your vehicle’s Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) continuously monitors the air pressure in your tires. 
  • When there is low tire pressure, or if the tire pressure drops below the manufacturer’s recommended level of tire pressure, the TPMS will illuminate an indicator light on the dashboard of your vehicle.

Whenever the TPMS light flashes on the dashboard, you should immediately check your tire pressure and inflate the affected tire in Aurora Colorado to the level indicated by the manufacturer.  Or bring your vehicle into our shop and our expert staff will remediate the issue. We are ready to help you whenever you are in need of TPMS repairs, maintenance, installation or replacement services.

During a TPMS maintenance service, our technicians will run a series of tests to ensure that the system is operating correctly and at maximum efficiency. If any damage to the system or its accompanying components is found one of the following parts should be replaced:

– Valve core –  Valve nuts – Seals – Seal washers – Valve caps